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Historical (Confederate)
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Rebel Flag
F317 Tea Stained Look 3'x5' Naval Jack BF
F100 3'x5' Poly BF 100D
F 119 Poly 3'x5'
Super Knit Battle Flags. 
Super Knit Poly Printed Battle Flag 12"x18" (Double Sided)
Good heavier weight 100-D Poly Printed Flag. 
Third National Confederate Poly Flag 3'x5'
First National 7 Star Confederate Flag 3'x5
Good heavier weight 100-D Poly Printed 
Originally commissioned by a secretary of George Washington and flew on several military ships dating back to 1775, meant to signify a plea to a higher power for help saving early American colonies...
Originally commissioned by a secretary of George Washington and flew on several military ships dating back to 1775, meant to signify a plea to a higher power for help saving early American colonies from the rule of the King of England. Also known as the Pine Tree flag, it became a symbol for resistance in New England colonies and was used to rally early American settlers against perceived oppression, “The American Flag” says. More recently, the flag was adopted as the symbol of the "An Appeal...